The Swiss Association of Young Neurologists (SAYN) is the strong voice of neurology residents in Switzerland. Attracting students to the field of neurology, representing their wishes, issues and interests, developing and changing the training regulations, creating national and international networks, identifying needs and supporting residents in their further training or with their scientific initiatives - these are the goals of the Young Neurologists.
One of the main benefits of becoming a SAYN member is to be able to connect and interact with other neurology trainees across Switzerland. The exchange of ideas, experiences and skills across language borders aims to facilitate further personal and professional growth. Furthermore, SAYN members receive regular updates on important topics and changes, particularly with respect to neurology training.
Weiterführende EEG Weiterbildung mit EEG-Kurvenauswertung
21.11.2024 | Epilepsieklinik Zürich
SNG: 7 Credits , SGKN: 7 Credits
Die Weiterbildung besteht aus dem vertieften, vielfältigen theoretischen Teil zum Thema EEG und beinhaltet ebenso zwei Slots zum Thema EEG-Kurvenauswertung.
Comme lors de nos précédentes rencontres, cette formation a pour but de vous faire partager les mises à jour concernant des pathologies neurologiques courantes rencontrées à votre cabinet, avec une orientation pratique.