SNS Fellowship
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If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the office:
Swiss Neurological Society SNS
c/o IMK Institute for Medicine and Communication AG
Münsterberg 1
4001 Basel
Tel. +41 61 561 53 68
swissneuro @imk. ch
Prize winners
Dr. med. David Schreier
Titel des Research Projects "Modulation of Brain Networks Promoting Consciousness in Anaesthetised, Asleep, and Injured Brains (ARISE)"
Dr. med. Sarah Hösli
Titel des Research Projects "Analyzing the effects of rotation and translation on perceived direction of self-motion using a motion simulator"
Dr. med. Gerd Tinkhauser
Titel des Research Projects: "Electrophysiological signature of motor and non-motor fluctuations for closed-loop deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s disease"
Dr. med. Simon Schreiner
Titel des Research Projects: "Slow-wave Sleep and its Therapeutic Potential in Parkinson Disease"
MD PhD Maxime Baud
Titel des Research Projects: "Chronobiology of Epilepsy"
Dr. med. David Seiffge, Basel
Titel des Research Projects: "Towards understanding mechanism and outcome of intracerebral haemorrhage in patients taking oral anticoagulants"
Dr. med. Arseny Sokolov, Lausanne
Titel des Research Projects: „Exploring the social brain: Integration of electrophysiology with diffusion tensor imaging“