Board Exams
Passing the specialist examination is a prerequisite for obtaining the specialist title in neurology. The examination is conducted by the examination board of the Neurological Society.
It consists of three parts, which are examined in two sessions:
- Written part (first session) MC questions.
- Structured oral part (second session A)
- Practical part (second session B)
The registration is currently closed.
Registration deadline
March 1 - May 31, 2023
Exams 2023
First part
Multiple-choice written examination in English
Friday, 25 August 2023 (2:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.)
Inselspital, Institute of Pathology, Langhans Lecture Hall, Bern
Second part
oral, practical
Friday, 3 November 2023 (individual times)
Inselspital Bern
Admission requirements
From 1 January 2010, only doctors with a federal or FOPH-recognised foreign medical diploma will be admitted to the specialist examination (Art. 23 WBO). The transitional provisions are laid down in Art. 69 Para. 3 of the WBO.
It is recommended that the specialist examination be taken after completion of the regulatory training or in its final year. The written part can be taken earlier, but it should be noted that the structured oral and practical part must be completed within 3 years of the written examination (Specialist training programme in neurology 4.5.1).
Passing the specialist examination is a prerequisite for obtaining the specialist title in neurology; any applicable transitional provisions and exceptions: Article "Specialist examination - what applies?".
Examination regulations
Examination regulations
The following documents must also be uploaded:
- Continuing education curriculum
- List of your previous continuing education, as pdf and signed by the current head of the continuing education centre. Content of this list: Date of start and end of work | Duration of work in months | Name of the clinic | Speciality | Name and FMH title of the supervisor.
- Copy of federal doctor's diploma or foreign doctor's diploma recognised by the FOPH (confirmation of recognition by MEBEKO)
- For applications for the oral/practical examination only: Confirmation of having already passed the written examination in neurology.
Examination fees
For written and oral/practical examination
- Members SAYN (Swiss Association of Young Neurologists) since May 2020 or earlier: CHF 1'500.00
- Members SAYN (Swiss Association of Young Neurologists) from June 2020 or later: CHF 2'250.00
- Non-members: CHF 2'250.00
Written exam only or oral/practical exam only
- Members SAYN (Swiss Association of Young Neurologists) from May 2020 or earlier: CHF 800.00
- Members SAYN (Swiss Association of Young Neurologists) from June 2020 or later: CHF 1'125.00
- Non-members: CHF 1'125.00
An invoice for payment of the examination fees will be sent by the end of June at the latest.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Office of the Examination Commission:
Swiss Neurological Society SNS
Office of the Examination Commission
Attn: Valérie Noelpp
c/o IMK Institute for Medicine and Communication AG
Münsterberg 1
4001 Basel
Tel. +41 61 561 53 52
fap-sng @imk. ch