
Die attestierte Arbeitsunfähigkeit: Routine oder doch eine Herausforderung?

12.09.2025  | Welle 7, Bern

Die attestierte Arbeitsunfähigkeit: Routine oder doch eine Herausforderung?

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AMI Ultrasound guided Botulinumtoxin Hands-On Workshop

13.09.2025  | Welle 7 Bern

SNG: 4 Credits

You will be introduced to the product and its mode of action as well as discuss its advantages and dosage in treating patients with spasticity. Our experts will answer your questions and guide you through the pearls and pitfalls of Botulinumtoxin to boost your confidence to start using it in daily practice.

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Mastering Migraine

20.09.2025  | Lausanne

SNG: 4 Credits

Maîtriser la migraine: solutions thérapeutiques complètes pour la migraine épisodique et chronique (y compris une formation pratique sur les injections).

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Clinical decision making in the management of spasticity

28.10.2025  | Porrentruy

SNG: 7 Credits

Discussions the challenges around Botulinumtoxin used in Post Stroke Spasticity (PSS). Evaluation of the spastic patient by neuro orthopedic examination, interest of the dynamic EMG and motor nerve blocks in the evaluation of spasticity. Patterns of spasticity with muscles involved and therapeutic approaches.

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6th SFCNS Congress – Swiss Federation of Clinical Neuro-Societies

29.10. till 31.10.2025  | SwissTech Convention Center, EPFL, Lausanne

Dies ist der Jahreskongress der SNG. Weitere teilnehmende Gesellschaften: Swiss Society of Neurosurgery | Swiss Society of Clinical Neurophysiology | Swiss Society of Neuropaediatrics | Swiss Society of Neuroradiology | Swiss Society of Neuropathology | Swiss Society of Biological Psychiatry || Associated members: Swiss Headache Society | Swiss Society for Neurorehabilitation | Association of Swiss Neuropsychologists | Swiss Society of Behavioural Neurology | Swiss Stroke Society | Swiss Neuro-oncology Society | Swiss Movement Disorders Society || Extraordinary members: Swiss League against Epilepsy | Aphasie Suisse

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Swiss Dementia Forum

06.11. till 07.11.2025  | Eventforum Bern

SNG: 4 Credits

The Swiss Dementia Forum, organized by the Swiss Network for Dementia Research, is a national event that brings together experts from dementia research and care. It unites researchers, clinicians, caregivers and stakeholders from fields like neurology, geriatrics, neuropsychology and policy. The program features talks, panel discussions, lightning sessions and workshops. Its mission is to foster interdisciplinary exchange and create a networking platform to bridge gaps across disciplines.

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Fortbildungsveranstaltung für Hausärzte und Spezialisten

18.11.2025  | Aula Berufsfachschule Langenthal, Langenthal

SNG: 2 Credits

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Fachtagung für Neurophysiologie und angrenzende Gebiete

24.01. till 30.01.2026  | Grindelwald

SNG: 44 Credits

An den Vormittagen praktische (Hands On) kurse zu den neurophysiologischen Techniken, am Nachmittag Vorträge zum ganzen Gebiet der Neurologie, Neuropädiatrie und Neurorehabilitation.

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