Young Researcher Award of the Mogens and Wilhelm Ellermann Foundation

In 2025, the Swiss Neurological Society SNS will for the 3rd time award 2 Young Researchers Prizes from the Mogens and Wilhelm Ellermann Foundation in the amount of CHF 5,000 each for a scientific paper in the field of neurology.


The application requires that the applicant is a member of the SNS and is still in further training to become a specialist in neurology.

Please submit your publication (article + abstract) together with curriculum vitae with your contact details and a short motivation letter (max. 400 words) describing why your publication is special and should win the award.


Applications are due by 18.05.2025, addressed to:

Prof. Dr. med. Urs Fischer
Director and Chief Physician
University Department of Neurology
Inselspital Bern
3010 Bern 

to be submitted as a PDF file by e-mail to:
daria.vogelsangnoSpam@insel.noSpamch  irene.kaufmannnoSpam@insel.noSpamch


  • Prof. Dr. med. Urs Fischer, Bern (Chair)
  • Prof. Dr. med. Matthias Mehling, Basel
  • Prof. Dr. med. Alain Kaelin, Lugano
  • Prof. Dr. med. Susanne Wegener, Zürich
  • Prof. Dr. med. Caroline Pot, Lausanne