Marco Mumenthaler commemorative coin
The Swiss Neurological Society (SNS) decided to award a Marco Mumenthaler commemorative coin and hold a commemorative lecture to keep the memory of that great teacher – Marco Mumenthaler – alive.
The commemorative coin is usually awarded every two years, and was awarded for the first time in 2019. No call for applications is issued for this award. The winner should be an outstanding clinician – preferably from Europe and with clear ties to Switzerland – who represents and promotes the entire field of neurology just like Marco Mumenthaler did through his scientific achievements and as a clinical educator.
The Prize Committee is made up of the Acting President of the SNS and four additional members (to be appointed by the SNS’s Executive Board) who represent the vastness of clinical neurology in scientific terms.
- Professor Renaud Du Pasquier (Chair)
- Professor Urs Fischer (President of the SNS)
- Professor Susanne Wegener (SNS Member of the board)
- Dr. med. Andrea Di Giacopo (SGKN Member of the board)
- Annaelle Zietz (President of the SAYN)
Prize winners

Professor Heinrich Mattle, Bern

Professor Marie-Germaine Bousser, Paris (France)

Professor Christian W Hess, Bern