Advanced training
By undergoing lifelong advanced training, you keep both your knowledge and your professional expertise up to date. It all starts when you acquire a further training qualification and continues until you retire from professional practice. Advanced training has been enshrined as a professional requirement in the Medical Occupations Act (MOA) since 2007.

Compulsory advanced training
All holders of a federal or recognised international further medical training qualification are required to undergo advanced training in accordance with the provisions set out in the ATRs for as long as they practice medicine in Switzerland. This applies regardless of whether they are members of a professional society or not.
The requirement to undergo advanced training commences on 1 January following acquisition of the qualification or commencement of medical practice in Switzerland. Anyone undergoing full-time further training to obtain a specialist qualification is not required to undergo advanced training. Doctors who are required to undergo advanced training* must complete the advanced training programme corresponding to their current professional activity.
For general information concerning compulsory advanced training and the eligibility of various advanced training events, please refer to the current neurology advanced training programme.
Advanced training self-declaration
According to the SIWF’s advanced training regulations (ATRs), practitioners are required to obtain 50 credits from verifiable and structured advanced training and complete 30 hours of self-study annually. Completed advanced training is recorded using an advanced training self-declaration form. Following completion of an advanced training period of three calendar years, it is possible to apply for an advanced training diploma or an advanced training certificate. This certificate confirms to the health authorities and insurance companies (incl. vested positions) that the holder is meeting the specialist advanced training requirement and is automatically transferred to the publicly accessible medical register of the Swiss Institute for Continuing and Advanced Medical Training (SIWF). The advanced training diploma is free for SNS members.
The advanced training declaration is made using themyfmh advanced training platform
Doctors can use the advanced training platform to document their advanced training activities online. The platform simplifies the procedures and provides a more direct route towards the desired advanced training diploma.
Further information about advanced training in general and the advanced training platform can be found on theSIWF website
Recognition of advanced training events
For a subject-specific advanced training event to be accredited by the SNS, the followingonline formmust be completed and submitted. The principles listed in the SNS’s advanced training programme apply.
The SIWF may recognise non-subject-specific events as advanced training events. You can find more information about this on theSIWF website
Advanced training events that receive credits from the competent institution of an EU/EFTA member state are automatically recognised in Switzerland too (only subject-specific events count as core advanced training) and can thus be transferred directly.