SNS Prize
In 2024, the SNS will award two prizes worth CHF 5,000 each for a scientific paper in clinical research and a scientific paper in applied basic research/translational research in the discipline of neurology and related fields.
You can find the criteria here
Please do not hesitate to contact the branch office if you have any further questions:
Swiss Neurological Society (SNS)
c/o IMK Institute for Medicine and Communication Ltd
Münsterberg 1
4001 Basel
Tel. +41 (0)61 561 53 58
swissneuro @imk. ch
Prize winners
SNS Prize for Clinical Research
Dr. med. Göldlin Martina Béatrice, Bern
Title: "CADMUS - A Novel MRI-Based Classification of Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage Associated With Cerebral Small Vessel Disease"
SNS Prize for Applied Basic Research
Dr. med. Callegari Ilaria, Basel
Title: "Cell-binding IgM in CSF is distinctive of multiple sclerosis and targets the iron transporter SCARA5"
SNS Clinical Research Prize
PD Dr. med. Thomas Meinel, PhD
Title: „Intravenous Thrombolysis in Patients With Ischemic Stroke and Recent Ingestion of Direct Oral Anticoagulants“
Dr. Lorenzo Caciagli, MD, PhD
Title: „Disorganization of language and working memory systems in frontal versus temporal lobe epilepsy“
SNS Applied Basic Research Prize
Dr. Nils Briel
Title: „Single‑nucleus chromatin accessibility profiling highlights distinct astrocyte signatures in progressive supranuclear palsy and corticobasal degeneration“
SNS Clinical Research Prize
Dr Alessandro Cagol
Title: „Association of Brain Atrophy With Disease Progression Indipendent of Relapse Activity in Patients With Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis“
SNS Applied Basic Research Prize
Dr Anke Salmen (private lecturer)
Title: „Antineonatal Fc Receptor Antibody Treatment Ameliorates MOG-IgG–Associated Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis“
Dr Christopher Tränka
Title of the paper: „Aspirin versus anticoagulation in cervical artery dissection (TREAT-CAD): an open-label, randomised, non-inferiority trial“
Dr Florian Brugger
Title of the paper: "Altered activation and connectivity of the supplementary motor cortex at motor initiation in Parkinson’s disease patients with freezing"
Dr Tatiana Bremova-Ertl
Title of the paper: "The clinical, ocular motor and imaging profile of Niemann Pick type C heterozygosity"
Dr Christian Barro
Title of the paper: "Serum neurofilament as a predictor of disease worsening and brain and spinal cord atrophy in multiple sclerosis"
Dr Paolo Ripellino, Lugano
Title of the paper: "Clinical phenotype and outcome of hepatitis E virus associated neuralgic amyotrophy“
Dr Aurélien Lathuilière, Geneva
Title of the paper: "A subcutaneous cellular implant for passive immunization against amyloid-β reduces brain amyloid and tau pathologies"
Dr Adrian Guggisberg (private lecturer), Geneva
Title of the paper: "Coherent neural oscillations predict future motor and language improvement after stroke"
Dr Arseny Sokolov, Lausanne
Title of the paper: "Structural Loop between the Cerebellum and the Superior Temporal Sulcus: Evidence from Diffusion Tensor Imaging"
Dr Emmanuel Carrera, Madison
Title of the paper: "Neural Activation within the rescued ischemic penumbra is impeded by selective neuronal loss"