
The Delegates of the Swiss Neurological Society represent the Society’s interests in other national and international societies and report to the Executive Board.

Swiss Medical Association FMH

The FMH (Foederatio Medicorum Helveticorum) is the professional association of Swiss doctors. It represents over 42,000 members and is also the umbrella organisation of over 70 doctors’ organisations. The FMH advocates for high-quality medical education, further training and advanced training. It is committed to an efficient, patient-focused healthcare system in which doctors can provide high-quality medical care.

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FMH Council of Delegates

FMH Expert Panel

FMH Emergency Forum

FMH Outpatient Charges

FMH Inpatient Charges

FMH Professional Ethics Committee

FMH Audit Commission

FMH Swiss Federal Committee for Quality Assurance in Medical Assessment

FMH Prevention Delegate


Dr Stefan Hägele-Link | Steering Committee
Professor Alexander Tarnutzer | Delegate

FMH Forum Quality

FMH Digitalization Forum


The Swiss Institute for Further and Advanced Medical Training (SIWF) is the centre of excellence for further and advanced medical training in Switzerland for the medical profession, authorities and educational institutions. As an autonomous body of the FMH, the SIWF brings together all the main players and organisations in this field and ensures high-quality further and advanced training for doctors in over 120 specialities.

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SIWF Titles Committee

SIWF Further Training Institutions Committee

SIWF Visitation Officer

SIWF Advanced Training Officer

Other national bodies

MS Society

The Swiss Multiple Sclerosis Society sees itself as the leading authority on MS throughout Switzerland and is available to answer any questions about the disease posed by patients, relatives, professionals, volunteers and interested individuals. A wide range of services provide superb support in living with MS.

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Delegate of the SNS:
Professor Caroline Pot

ProRaris Alliance of Rare Diseases - Switzerland

ProRaris is the umbrella organisation for patient organisations of people with a rare disease. They also support isolated patients who are not represented by any organisation. ProRaris is committed to equal access to care for all. ProRaris also ensures that the implementation of the National Concept for Rare Diseases reflects the interests of those affected. To achieve this, ProRaris works as a key partner in the implementation of the measures and contributes patient expertise to the various projects. ProRaris ensures patient participation as expressly provided for in the National Concept.

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Delegate of the SNS:
Professor Hans Jung

Swiss Medical Forum (SMF)

The Swiss Medical Forum (SMF) publishes articles on medical professional policy, health policy, public health issues and economic, legal, ethical, cultural and other topics related to the medical field and the healthcare system. The SMF sees itself as an open discussion platform for all those involved and interested in the healthcare system.

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Delegate of the SNS:
Professor Urs Fischer


Founded in 1943 purely as a research funding institution, today the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences (SAMS) is committed to building bridges between science and society. The Swiss Federal Government supports the SAMS by providing annual subsidies. Funds from bequests and private foundations are also available for the research fields.

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Delegate of the SNS:
Professor Urs Fischer


The aim of the Swiss Federation of Clinical Neuro-Societies (SFCNS) is to promote collaboration and interaction between clinical neuro-societies in Switzerland with a view to improving interdisciplinary knowledge and overall impact of our disciplines at a medical, scientific, public and political level.

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Delegate of the SNS:
Professor Peter Sandor
Professor Hans Jung


The Swiss Federation of Specialities (SFSM) was founded as an umbrella organisation to represent medical specialists’ professional societies on 24 August 2006, when the FMH was structurally reformed. The SFSM aims to safeguard the professional policy and professional ethics interests of its members vis-à-vis the bodies of the FMH – in particular the FMH’s Council of Delegates, the public, the authorities, insurance companies and other institutions. As a platform, it coordinates information, interests and concerns between its members.

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Delegate of the SNS:
Professor Philippe Lyrer
Professor Urs Fischer

SICH and Swiss Memory Clinics

Swiss memory clinics have joined forces as an association under the aegis of ‘Swiss Memory Clinics’ to advocate throughout Switzerland for widely accessible and high-quality dementia diagnoses and treatment.

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Delegate of the SNS:
Dr Ansgar Felbecker


Swissmedic is Switzerland’s central supervisory authority for drugs. Its diverse activities are based on both its legal mandate and the needs of its stakeholders (including patients, the pharmaceutical industry, medical professionals, authorities and organisations in Switzerland and internationally, as well as the media).

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Delegate of the SNS:
Professor Urs Fischer

Swissprevent is a cross-disciplinary organisation of medical societies. It is committed to promoting cardiac and cerebrovascular prevention in healthcare, to implementing the National Strategy for cardiovascular diseases, stroke and diabetes in this field and to representing medical societies and professional associations.

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Delegate of the SNS:
Professor Hakan Sarikaya

International bodies

CTN Journal Editorial Board

Clinical and Translational Neuroscience (CTN) is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal. It focuses on translating or advancing basic neuroscience research into novel clinical neuroscience applications and treatments.

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Delegate of the SNS:
Professor Claudio Bassetti
Professor Jean-Marie Annoni

DGN guidelines

The medical guidelines of the German Neurological Society (DGN) are systematically developed tools for doctors to help them make decisions in specific situations. They are based on current scientific findings and procedures that have been proven in practice and guarantee greater safety in medicine, but should take economic aspects into consideration too.

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Delegate of the SNS:
Professor Urs Fischer


The European Academy of Neurology (EAN) is a non-profit, independent organisation that represents more than 45,000 members and 47 European national societies. As a medical society, it promotes excellence in general neurology practice throughout Europe, leading to improved patient care.

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Delegate of the SNS (Individual Delegate):
Professor Urs Fischer

Delegate of the SNS (Institutional Delegate):
Professor Caroline Pot


The European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS) was established to strengthen communication and promote and improve research, care and learning among professionals, ultimately benefiting MS patients.

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Delegate of the SNS:
Professor Cristina Granziera


The European Union of Medical Specialists (Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes – UEMS) is a non-governmental organisation that represents the national associations of medical specialists in the European Union and associated countries.

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Delegate of the SNS:

PD Dr. med. Martin Hardmeier
Universitätsspital Basel

PD Dr. med. Florian Brugger
Kantonsspital St. Gallen


The World Federation of Neurology was formed in Brussels in 1957 as an association of neurological member societies. Today, the WFN represents 122 professional societies in all regions of the world, and each society has its own neurologists as members. The delegates – one from each member society – elect the trustees and officers at the annual Council of Delegates meeting.

The WFN’s mission is to foster quality neurology and brain health worldwide – a goal it seeks to achieve by promoting global neurological education and further training, with a firm emphasis on under-served parts of the world.

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Delegate of the SNS:
Professor Barbara Tettenborn