Women in Neurology
Women in Neurology (WIN) provides a platform where users can get in touch with other female colleagues from all over Switzerland and that encourages dialogue at an early stage in women’s careers. The activities are managed by the Executive Board.
A member of WIN’s Executive Board represents WIN’s interests within the Swiss Neurological Society’s Executive Board. Furthermore, one member of WIN’s Executive Board is represented on the Executive Board of the Swiss Society for Clinical Neurophysiology, the Swiss Stroke Society, the Swiss Multiple Sclerosis Society and the Swiss League Against Epilepsy. WIN is also involved in the Swiss Federation of Clinical Neuro-Societies (SFCNS) network, with the aim of providing a united voice across disciplines. During the Swiss Neurological Society’s Annual Meetings, WIN organises a forum to discuss important matters and position itself for the future.
WIN was founded in Olten on 12 February 2020. Its official inaugural meeting was held on 18 November 2021 in Interlaken. As an association of the Swiss Neurological Society, it represents the interests of all female doctors undergoing further training to become neurology specialists and all female neurologists with the aim of supporting and strengthening career opportunities for women in neurology.

Become a member
You must already be a member of the Swiss Neurological Society (SNS) to become a member of the Swiss association Women in Neurology (WIN).
WIN membership is open to all female junior doctors and neurology specialists who are also members of the SNS. Additionally, all non-neurologists who are members of the SNS can also become members of WIN.
Please refer toWIN’s articles of association for more details:
Application for membership of WIN
To become a member of WIN, first of all use your access credentials to log into the members’ area and then return to this website.