Press corner

In the SNS Press Corner, we offer information, studies, press releases and relevant articles on our specialist field and related topics in order to provide our members, journalists, media representatives and the interested public with a central point of contact for relevant news and developments.

Visit us regularly to find out about current topics. Here you will find a variety of materials that are constantly being added to, including:

  • Latest press releases: Stay informed about the latest SNS events and announcements.
  • Articles by our members: Discover articles and publications by our members in specialist journals and public media.

You are welcome to forward interesting contributions to us. Contact us by e-mail at: swissneuronoSpam@imk.noSpamch.

Links to articles

Les troubles neurologiques, principale cause d’invalidité dans le monde
Interview with Prof. Dr. med. Caroline Pot. (2024). Le Temps. 1. April 2024.

Neurologische Erkrankungen klettern an die Spitze der verbreitetsten Krankheiten
German medical journal. (2024). According to the latest GBD study, neurological diseases are on the rise. March 14, 2024.

Long-Covid-Betroffene gehen gegen die IV vor Gericht: Diese verharmlose die Krankheit
Dreßing, H., & Meyer-Lindenberg, A. (2021). Long-COVID/post-COVID in the psychiatric assessment. MedSach, issue 6/117, 228 ff. July 06, 2022. 

«Es findet keine Selbstregulierung statt»
Interview with Martin Fey, outgoing President, and his successor Prof. Dr. med. Barbara Tettenborn about selection criteria, data registers - and about hospitals that don't care about allocation decisions. Swiss Medical Journal. (2024). March 17, 2024.

Die Chefärztinnen organisieren sich. Eine neue Vereinigung soll eine wichtige Stimme innerhalb und ausserhalb der Ärzteschaft werden. MedInside. (2024).  13. May 2024.